Patterns and Lace

I am He as You are She as She is Me and We are All Together – after John Lenon

It happens extremely often to talk to someone and find out in surprise that his/her life trajectory is very similar to mine; I refer to life-changing moments, defining experiences, crisis situations, etc.

The name of this blog wants to imply that there are patterns of existence that we are all subject to, and that we are an organic part of an ensouled world in a continuous process of evolution.

I had my first realization about life patterns while going through some very specific situations; with some, I realized in amazement that my dreams have been dreamed by others before (I mean, to a high degree of similarity) – it was as if my own life situations having been lived by others before. I was my first encounter with the Archetype, with archetypal images and the “archetype of transformation”.

Later I found out that Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung has largely developed on archetypes. He sees them as universal, archaic patterns and images that derive from the “collective unconscious” – that’s how he explains the fact that they are manifest in all humans, throughout history and across all geography. Archetypal images and motifs flesh out our myths and stories, our literature masterpieces; we encounter them in all forms of art, as artists seem to be more sensitive than the rest of us.

We are moved by art because we unconsciously recognize the archetype represented and resonate with it -. this is why people have the religious figures so deeply “embedded”.  In fact, all the great themes of humanity are inherited by us as archetypes: the Mother archetype, the Father, the Child, the Christ, the Devil, the Trickster, and so on.

Jung sees archetypes as the psychic counterpart to instincts. If our biological survival and evolution has been ensured by instincts, mentally and emotionally we are evolving through archetypal models; that’s why I like to call them programs, more than just phenomena.

Seen from an evolutionary – historic perspective, we are ourselves processes in evolution, far from being just ephemeral points popping in and out of existence,

Our ancient philosophies and our religions mention that we are spirit and soul, and astern religions tell us in addition that our soul keeps on evolving  together with the world around us. If we can view things this way, we can see how the human spirit – which is mind, human consciousness (to distinguish it from Consciousness, the intelligence of the universe) is on an evolutionary trajectory. Our society as a whole is far smarter than any previous generation in known history .

We are far more informed and more communicative in ways that are really significant and that regard us individually, not necessarily for professional reasons, and we can only anticipate  how things are going to look five, ten years on, now that the phenomenon is growing exponentially.

Intelligence, as an effect of the internet and technology, is seen to take such accelerated, ascending trajectory that it has made many “luminaries” today fear that in maximum twenty-five years human mind is very likely to have attended its limitations, and then … we will step into the “transhuman era” and will implant nanocomputers in our blood stream to access the internet (sic) and download the cloud into ourselves or upload ourselves to the cloud – as you wish you will be served). But this is another story.


Talking about blogging here, I still see it is amazing how we have all met across continents and distances  because of the internet – thing unimaginable only twenty years ago.

Watch how close things look in this visualization of the internet, in the neuronal network in our brain, and in a map of the outer space: could it be just a difference in scale??

Visualization of the internet
Visualization of the internet

neuron network

mapping space

6 thoughts on “Patterns and Lace”

  1. being made by atoms, the same atoms that were previously another person, a tree, a road, what have you; it is not a surprise to find ourselves in others.


  2. i have to reread this post. There are just so many things I still don’t understand… i had already read about Jung’s archetypes, how they also work on the tarot cards. I still have a real hard time understanding the archetypes, although you gave me a new light when you compared them to the instincts.


  3. Quite an interesting read. Definitely somewhat heavy stuff but I grasp your message. I too, have been amazed by the repetition of certain events, which seem unlinked when singled to our own realities but are really connected in the grand scheme of things. The universe is one of those strange things and everything is evolving; just as the internet evolves and we become amazed by what humans can accomplish. Life has many paths, all which connect back to a single road somewhere. 🙂


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